Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Marvel of Young Leadership

Once every month, we gather about 34 of our Missionaries  to our home.  From dawn until dark we teach and learn.  This group is called MLC - Mission Leadership Council.   Late in the evening after we returned from delivering missionaries to their housing, we absolutely marveled at the depth and breadth of the strength of these missionaries.  
              President Clark teaches our leaders.

               Eager to learn.

The Elders and President.

The Sisters.


We Met Our Missionaries! It's Great to Look Into Their Eyes

During the initial introduction to our missionaries, we held three conferences around the mission on three consecutive days. We are learning that in our mission we don't travel anywhere fast.

Our goal was to meet each missionary, shake their hand and look into their eyes.  There is quite a connection when that takes place.  We were able to do just that and it was an incredible experience.  We already feel such a love for each one. 

We did a "Meet the Clark's" PowerPoint presentation, which gave the missionaries some insight into our background and where we are coming from.  We allowed them to ask us questions which created some interesting and sometimes humorous discussion and we provided them some important instruction.  

The missionaries were kind, respectful and incredibly inquisitive. They had an unrelenting curiosity about our meeting and courtship.  We've already scheduled personal interviews with every missionary over the next two weeks. Should be great fun!